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Whale Graveyard

Posted: May 9th, 2014, 7:26 am
by matthewbny
This is an exploration level inspired by Biznatch101's MP-only map of the same name. Pictures will be coming soon. Sorry, I'm being rushed, but it's going great so far -- the only present and persistent issue before adding gameplay is the design of the level and it's sheer size. It's over 100 pixels wide, which is a problem because the physics engine only loads a maximum of 100 blocks (or metres, because a block is a metre in every direction) in every direction, and on each axis. This is also a problem with many other huge exploration levels.

Onto the level itself. It will take place underwater, and will have a bluish tint to it so that it appears you are underwater. You will be able to jump higher than normal because everything is floaty in water. You'll also be able to explore the whales and parts of their carcasses as well. It's more of a free roam level, but this is my first divergence from a linear-like level.

Screenshots will be added when I get home.