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Character Customization

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Post by Phantomboy »

DerekItoldu wrote:So hows the progress on this anyways
To be honest I haven't heard anything - If I recall correctly Nin was working on it on the side, depending on his schedule it is hard to say what he has finished.
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Post by Dutchsnake5 »

AtmoMario wrote:You can customize the weapons that you have. All default avatars have the same three weapons (wooden swords, default bombs, and default laser), and if you change the name of a different weapon in the asset bundles to ci_w_wooden_swords.unity3d, whatever the bombs are (haven't found those yet), or ci_w_laser_blue.unity3d, you will have whatever you renamed instead of the default. You can still only have 3 weapons, but at least you can change things around, such as replacing the laser with a minigun.
EDIT: ci_w_buccaneer_cannon.unity3d is the default bomb. Also, there is nothing stoping you from renaming anything "laser_blue.unity3d", and then firing it from your default laser.
Hmm... it doesn't work for me so far...
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