bionicnacho wrote:Sebastian Lawe wrote:So, my new GPU arrived.
First thoughts?
After hours of fiddling with super broken graphics drivers I finally got it to work properly.
Certainly wasn't impressed with how broken the latest drivers were. The card performed miles worse than my GTX 760, jumping between 10 - 60fps at any given second, even while not moving. And it would always freeze every few moments. Eventually installed the drivers that came with the CD rather than the latest AMD drivers and made the card useable.
Now that I got things working properly, the r9 380 certainly performs miles better than my old card, getting 60fps on the Witcher 3. But, having AMD as my first card, and having to run in circles to use it has pretty much kicked this brands first impression for me. I hope this isn't something that happens often, since the return policy is replacement only. I'm surprised that AMD releases drivers this severely broken (its like they didn't bother testing).
Edit (3/24/2016):
More broken drivers later, and I feel like I should have gotten a GTX 960. While on paper the r9 380 peforms better, these bad drivers are undercutting its abilities. Just about every game stutters, and I've had to go through painstaking lengths to make things work "decent". For some reason v-sync kills performance on games to the point of stuttering too, so I've had to get used to screen tearing in favour of framerates that can actually stay around 60fps (on a good day). The next GPU purchase, unless AMD gets its drivers together, I'll be going with Nvidia again.