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Posted: August 4th, 2013, 11:36 am
by DvChayz
who even likes to go on 4chan i dont even i cant

Posted: November 9th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by ThatOneFox
Sorry to bump this but...
New comment system guys...

Posted: November 9th, 2013, 9:12 pm
by ElectroYoshi
What about it?

Posted: November 9th, 2013, 9:17 pm
by Rabbidfan236
I don't understand it either.


Posted: November 9th, 2013, 9:25 pm
by Phantomboy
Rabbidfan236 wrote:I don't understand it either.

Top comments don't seem to appear how we use to see them. Now, comments that have received thumbs up, posted by a user with a large following and comments socially linked with the creator are displayed in the "Top comments" tab. Which also places the comments out of chronological order.

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 1:18 pm
by ElectroYoshi
Yeah, it's pretty wonky.

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 12:53 am
by Newah
I hate this new Google+ Integration. Being a YouTuber myself, and trying to become successful at it, I fear this may spell the eventual downfall of YouTube. The dev team seems oblivious to the fact that it's horrible.

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 1:28 am
by Phantomboy
Newah wrote:I hate this new Google+ Integration. Being a YouTuber myself, and trying to become successful at it, I fear this may spell the eventual downfall of YouTube. The dev team seems oblivious to the fact that it's horrible.
I am sure, that if the dislike of it contributes to a drop in users in general they will have some sort of reassessment meeting, if they haven't already. Spell the downfall of the company? Perhaps the very early signs, but I doubt we will see any major disband in it's use in at least the short term, the next five years or so.

However, the confusion it's caused, I believe to be highly destructive to established user bases that depend heavily on the comments system to interact with those they care about. The inclusion of Google+ posts, ei; automatically sharing related plus posts in the comments is simply impractical as the context between where they user is typing the post and were it will be displayed is disjointed. This isn't system breaking, but highly confusing for the average user who is unaware of the changes. Saying things like "Check out this video!" make sense on your private page, but hold no relevancy on the video itself.

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 2:27 am
by Newah
Phantomboy wrote:I am sure, that if the dislike of it contributes to a drop in users in general they will have some sort of reassessment meeting, if they haven't already. Spell the downfall of the company? Perhaps the very early signs, but I doubt we will see any major disband in it's use in at least the short term, the next five years or so.

However, the confusion it's caused, I believe to be highly destructive to established user bases that depend heavily on the comments system to interact with those they care about. The inclusion of Google+ posts, ei; automatically sharing related plus posts in the comments is simply impractical as the context between where they user is typing the post and were it will be displayed is disjointed. This isn't system breaking, but highly confusing for the average user who is unaware of the changes. Saying things like "Check out this video!" make sense on your private page, but hold no relevancy on the video itself.
I don't mean it's going to crash and burn instantly-but if these constant devolving changes are indicative of the future, someone will take advantage and make a better alternative. You can't even do simple things like check your inbox without going first to video manager-at least not to my knowledge.

Google seems to be very, very set on making Google + a staple of YouTube. Basically, if it goes any further, they might as well call it Google+ Video, which frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they did. These changes seem like stepping stones towards a future drastic change that won't be for the better. If you check the Google support forums and dev Google+ pages, they're basically telling people to deal with it. They can't see the issue with it, and that's what scares me. They think they're on the right path, which from my eyes, and the eyes of the average consumer, clearly they are not.

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 4:46 pm
by ElectroYoshi
*Points to Newah's post*

Yeah, I hope they come to their senses soon, because it's getting kind of ridiculous.

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 4:57 pm
by Phantomboy
Yeah I definitely see where you are coming from. Google likely is attempting to consolidate services into a more singular identity, which I don't personally think is a bad thing. If they want YouTube to behave more like a supplementary Video service to Google+ then that is sort of their choice.

I just think if that is their goal they should be taking steps towards making a system that represents that desire for cohesion. Not stumbling onward blindly whilst promising their followers that this is just a new patch. I feel like they need to commit to their goal and stride in that direction.

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 12:33 am
by Wazi
Newah wrote:Google+
Phantomboy wrote:Google+

Posted: November 18th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by bionicnacho
I agree with everything that has been said in the above posts.

The comment system is horrid. Well, to me the entirety of Google+ is horrid. Everything is just BLAAH. You would think they would've gotten the message when veery few people switched. G+ to me doesn't seem consumer friendly at all and it is confusing.

I have actually seen this coming. I remember when youtube had a different website design than all the pages. When they started to change things on YouTube to make it more like Google, they got a lot of hate. A lot. I absolutely hated it when these changes started happening. The connection to G+ was optional a few months ago but now it's pretty much obligatory.

Also something I see is that most of YouTube comments, since they're not linked to your true identity, are things like rants and stuff that people won't care about because, hey, how can anybody know it's you? Now since you have to link your account to Google+ to be able to comment people can't really do that. Well, they can but they have to go through a lot of hassle just so that they can post whatever they want truly anonymously.

I don't like the comment system, I don't like G+ integration, I don't like google plus. It's just not my thing and I believe this is also the case for MANY of YouTube's content producers and watchers. Maybe not as much for content producers but it will still affect them because it affects how the audience interacts with the particular YouTuber.

Like someone above said, which I can't seem to find now, I really do think or hope that somebody makes a GOOD YouTube alternative because unless Google makes many changes, I don't think it will stay for much longer as it is. Also, it is an extremely small possibility that they go back to -g+.

Honestly, people will most likely keep watching youtube (I know I am) because that's where all the "famous" people and who they watch upload videos. The transition to another website will be slow and will take its time, but I do think it will happen, again if Google doesn't make some changes.


Posted: November 18th, 2013, 9:04 pm
by ElectroYoshi
bionicnacho wrote:Bionicnacho's post

Quite unfortunate, but quite true. I tried to make an account without using Google+ awhile back, but I stopped halfway through because I had to go through a ridiculous amount of BS to do so. For God's sake, there's a reason Google+ is separate from YouTube.

Posted: November 18th, 2013, 9:21 pm
by Phantomboy
I generally don't use Google+, not because it is poorly designed or because I am faithful to another social site, rather social media sites just aren't my thing - I hardly put my real name up online and this whole "Know-All/Share-All" mentality doesn't meld well with me. However, YouTube is Google's site to run. I personally think they should have integrated Google+ directly, as a majority of the profiles now are simply inactive YouTube commenting plus accounts. If it was possible, it would have been cleaner to ditch the current profiles and have them linked directly to a newly created Google+ account.

Much like the problems Microsoft faced with the Xbox One - they are putting all the worst draw backs forward. You know "You now need to link an account to comment" "You can no longer reply to old comments" "You must visit your Google+ page to see comment replies." They are giving a horrible impression. The change should have been, clean, cut and "This is what you are using now. This is how you do all the old things you did." That's the moral.. don't be honest with your customers, ever, it will only come back around and bite you.. Poor JCPenny's..

Posted: November 18th, 2013, 9:23 pm
by bionicnacho
ElectroYoshi wrote:Quite unfortunate, but quite true. I tried to make an account without using Google+ awhile back, but I stopped halfway through because I had to go through a ridiculous amount of BS to do so. For God's sake, there's a reason Google+ is separate from YouTube.
And don't even get me started on the whole phone verification thing...

Back on the ranting, if you're going to make a big change like this FOR GOD'S SAKE make it as seamless to the users as possible.

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 9:33 pm
by ElectroYoshi
I've found a petition that opposes the Google+ integration. Thought you guys might like to sign it. Check it out.

Posted: January 22nd, 2014, 8:19 pm
by bionicnacho
ElectroYoshi wrote:I've found a petition that opposes the Google+ integration. Thought you guys might like to sign it. Check it out.
yeah, I saw this a while back.

I signed it when I saw it, but honestly I don't think Google's going to go back on that. Once everything is migrated it would be a big hassle to bring it back for both Google and the users.

Posted: January 22nd, 2014, 9:57 pm
by ElectroYoshi
bionicnacho wrote:I signed it when I saw it, but honestly I don't think Google's going to go back on that.
My thought was that if YouTube started to decline because of how much support the cause has, Google would get smart and nix the G+ integration (or at the very least make it optional again). I too doubt Google will go back on it at this point, but I'm hoping against hope they do.

Posted: January 24th, 2014, 12:47 pm
by Entity
I think they know that people are too hooked on youtube to be scared away by design flaws... and so they use that fact to shamelessly plug G+