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New Ipad Mini [poll]

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 9:02 pm
by Semesto

Please give your opinions!

Posted: October 24th, 2012, 5:33 am
by Lemon
"So let's take an iPod touch and make it freaking huge. Ok. Now let's make it small again."

Posted: October 24th, 2012, 10:13 am
by bboy99
Ok, people say our I-pods are too small. What should we do? "Make it bigger" Sure random person. Ok, now people are complaining the ipad is to big. Well, instead of telling them about the I-pod touches, LETS MAKE AN INTIRELY NEW USSLESS MINI IPAD

I think this is pathetic

Posted: October 24th, 2012, 5:09 pm
by Sebastian Lawe
bboy99 wrote:Ok, people say our I-pods are too small. What should we do? "Make it bigger" Sure random person. Ok, now people are complaining the ipad is to big. Well, instead of telling them about the I-pod touches, LETS MAKE AN INTIRELY NEW USSLESS MINI IPAD

I think this is pathetic
And yet, most people will buy it because its new, and they can use it to show off.

Now to go on my own little rant.
The ipad mini is essentially copying the footsteps of most other tablets, and its somehow taken apple this long to make a tablet that is truly portable, while other tablets were down this path years before. No ipad could fit in a pocket prior to this, but Android tablets, and the Blackberry Playbook could.

Here's a few things I'll credit apple for:
They have great advertising, and their IOS devices look very pretty (Heck, they could sell a plain old brick and still make a huge profit).

What I won't credit them for:
My phone, and many other phones had voice command before Siri came about (Only took me a week or two to build a program that worked just like Siri, speech recognition and everything), and the Blackberry Playbook though not as popular, has a more intuitive layout than any other OS. Apple has yet to release any true revolutionary products on the market. Years ago Microsoft made the very first tablet, though failed to get it across due to poor marketing. Years later apple releases the ipad (which is just an overgrown ipod) and makes a fortune.

However, with everything I've said. IOS isn't a bad OS, I just hate the company that made it. I like how Apple can sell anything just by pasting a new title on an already existing device and make it thinner (iphone 5 - the OS hasn't changed or improved), or simply shrinking its size (ipad mini - Other tablets already came in this size prior), heck even taking a super simple concept, and making it sound revolutionary (Siri - I built my own version of Siri for windows, and it has all the same functionality without needing the internet or data for local tasks, such as getting a song to play. Not to mention I'm only 16).

As my own personal choice, I love IOS. So, I bought an Android tablet and put Espier Launcher on it. Now my tablet functions just an IOS device, but has the google apps store as well (Tons of games that cost money on a true Apple device, are free on Android).

That's about all I have to say. If you wishing to rebuttal against what I've said, don't. I won't bother responding to how you may think "my opinion is dumb".

If your wishing to take some of the things I've presented, and use them to find ways that Apple can improve their devices, without copying another device feature. Then go for it.

I think one way Apple can improve their devices, is by giving you the ability to change Siri's voice, sure its simple, but one voice gets a little old over time.

Posted: October 24th, 2012, 11:56 pm
by Newah
Lemon wrote:"So let's take an iPod touch and make it freaking huge. Ok. Now let's make it small again."

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 8:37 am
by Lionboy
I voted decent because, well it's still and iPad, which is cool. But what the heck did they think about when they made it small? The only reason why people buy an iPad is because it's big.

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 11:58 am
by Wowfunhappy
When you can buy a $200 Nexus 7, I don't think a $330 iPad Mini is very competitive.

But it DOES have more tablet-optimized apps than Android, so it's a decent product that some people wil prefer. I still think the Nexus 7 is a better buy though.

I don't think it's that big a deal that Apple is copying the other 7-inch tablets. Let them copy: it's what humans do. All of the technology companies copy each other, and thatt should be okay (the Apple vs Samsung case would seem to suggest that it isn't okay, but, well, it SHOULD be). What we end up with are products that make use of the best innovations from every company, and thus, better devices overall.

Is the iPad Mini overly innovative? No, and that make me a bit sad... I can't get ANGRY at Apple for not innovating, because... as long as the product is good and is keeping up with competitors, it doesn't really have to innovate all the time. But innovation is fun to watch, and Apple used to do it all the time... It's just disappointing.

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 9:16 pm
by Sebastian Lawe
Wowfunhappy wrote:When you can buy a $200 Nexus 7, I don't think a $330 iPad Mini is very competitive.

But it DOES have more tablet-optimized apps than Android, so it's a decent product that some people wil prefer. I still think the Nexus 7 is a better buy though.

I don't think it's that big a deal that Apple is copying the other 7-inch tablets. Let them copy: it's what humans do. Google and its Android hardware partners copy Apple, and Apple copies them back. What we end up with are products that make use of both Apple and Google's (and RIM's and Palm's and Microsoft's and Nokia's etc) innovations, and thus better devices overall.

Is the iPad Mini overly innovative? No, and that make me a bit sad... I can't get ANGRY at Apple for not innovating, because... as long as the product is good and is keeping up with competitors, it doesn't really have to innovate all the time. But innovation is fun to watch, and Apple used to do it all the time... It's just disappointing.
Some true words indeed. In fact, I re-thought what I've said too. Me criticising Apple for releasing a new product without any changes to the OS is dumb. That's like expecting windows 7 to be different for every computer. But, they're still great at making features on other phones sound new, and will subcautiously trick the not so tech savy people into thinking Apple invented it, that's my only complaint.
Other than that, this device actually looks pretty good for those wanting something that can both fit in their pocket and be a little big. Heck, I like being able to pull a 7 inch tablet out of my pocket and still have something big enough for people to crowd around.

Posted: October 26th, 2012, 11:22 pm
by brendiculous
I'm pretty sure Jonathan Ive's beautiful voice can convince me to buy anything.

Posted: October 28th, 2012, 1:34 am
by Phantomboy
brendiculous wrote:I'm pretty sure Jonathan Ive's beautiful voice can convince me to buy anything.
Jonathan does have quite the selling voice! Anyway I am guessing that, as usual, Apple is going to be pressed about this new product until release. Then, a large amount of people will buy it before it is quickly swept under the carpet- and then we will generally hear nothing off it until it is compared to the next product announced.

Posted: October 28th, 2012, 6:15 pm
by Hollabyte
You guys can hate if you want to, but honestly I think I like the iPad mini more than the regular iPad. It can do everything a full size ipad can do (almost) but it's more portable. I unfortunately don't like that the smaller screen size means a smaller, less usable keyboard. But that's a tradeoff I'm willing to live with. My next ipad, if I get one, will be the mini.

Also, I really like how the black one has a black back as well. Not a big deal, I know, but if you carry that around it looks like an android tablet or something. :P

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 8:32 pm
by Semesto
Hollabit wrote:You guys can hate if you want to, but honestly I think I like the iPad mini more than the regular iPad. It can do everything a full size ipad can do (almost) but it's more portable. I unfortunately don't like that the smaller screen size means a smaller, less usable keyboard. But that's a tradeoff I'm willing to live with. My next ipad, if I get one, will be the mini.

Also, I really like how the black one has a black back as well. Not a big deal, I know, but if you carry that around it looks like an android tablet or something. :P
I can agree. Ill be to sure be getting one at one point it's (Don't want to sound like a typical Mac user but) Insanely pretty and with Apples amazing iPad I know it will preform as well as it looks. In all actuality as a person who does not like mobile gaming very much the power it has works fine. Heck my iPad 1 has enough power to do what I want on it.

Posted: January 30th, 2013, 10:22 pm
by boberto
The iPad Mini is the exact same thing as an iPad 2, which is 2 versions out of date, but the screen is now 2-3 inches smaller. Why does this thing even exist? Apple has completely lost their edge.

Posted: January 30th, 2013, 10:41 pm
by Wowfunhappy
...for people who want a smaller tablet but prefer the iOS ecosystem.

As I said above, I think the Nexus 7, with it's far lower price-point, is a better buy, but I can see how some people find the iPad Mini appealing.

(I'm not sure I'll ever buy a tablet again myself. My 11-inch Macbook Air fills the need for an ultra-portable device that my iPad once did, but is as fast and capable as a laptop.)

Posted: April 1st, 2013, 4:32 pm
by ElectroYoshi
I don't get this at all. What the flying furack was wrong with the iPod Touch being small??? The whole reason iPods are so small is because people like to be able to carry their music WITH them, and the small size of an iPod makes that easy to do. The regular iPad has nothing at all setting it apart from the iPod touch other than its size, and then they churn out the same freakin' thing again, just smaller? Look, I had great respect for Steve Jobs when he was alive, and still do even now that he's gone, but ever since he died, Apple's career has been nothing but a downhill slide.

Posted: April 8th, 2013, 6:09 pm
by bionicnacho
ElectroYoshi wrote:Look, I had great respect for Steve Jobs when he was alive, and still do even now that he's gone, but ever since he died, Apple's career has been nothing but a downhill slide.
Indeed it has. Seems like with Steve Jobs gone, that innovative sense that Apple had into making great products is... gone.

I'm not gonna lie, I still love their products. But it seems that everything now is just more of the same and nothing new. Changin' sizes around like with the iPhone and the iPad Mini, adding very minimal improvements to iOS AND MacOS. Buut that doesn't stop them from putting those high price tags on their products. I guess as long as people keep buying 'em, they'll keep prices high. I think that if Apple doesn't step their game up and innovate like they used to, people just might stop buying their products slowly.

Posted: April 26th, 2013, 11:09 pm
by ElectroYoshi
bionicnacho wrote:I think that if Apple doesn't step their game up and innovate like they used to, people just might stop buying their products slowly.
I can't say this with absolute certainty, but I think this is already beginning to happen. I see very few iPhones used around school now, almost everyone I know uses a Galaxy S or an Android. I'm also not seeing iPad Minis very much.

Like I said, I respect Steve Jobs, but I can't help but be disgusted by what Apple does now. Nowadays, they basically rip people off to make ends meet. You say whatever the heck you want about the Wii U, but when Nintendo made it, they at least had the common sense to use old ideas in new ways. Apple's newer products don't even have THAT going for them. They just promote an old device as a new one and up the price significantly. And judging by the suggestions that appear when you type "Apple is" or "Apple is not" into the google search bar, I'm betting this is not a minority opinion.

I say that if they're just gonna keep pulling this crap, they need to disappear.