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The Store And Atmos : Thoughts So Far

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 3:28 pm
by Gtarmetro
Hello Everyone! This thread is dedicated to the formula we have come up with on StreetLight's thread. Now I'm not sure why he hasn't done this on his thread, but I've decided to put it here; mainly because I'm tired of waiting. Everything on here should have the ability to be manually automated by the editorial staff (Thanks to StreetLights for reminding me about that detail.) --The Present Argument-- The OneMoreBlock community has been arguing over how atmos should be distributed. Some, like Wowfunhappy and StreetLights, agree that the whole market should be open for free while others, like ZeroSwordsMaster and I, believe that a new formula for distribution should be formed. Each opinion has its pros and cons, and while I can't say I wouldn't enjoy the store being open, I also would love to see a new economy form for the little community here! And so, this is the formula that the OneMoreBlock community has collectively established in the case that atmos continue to be a mechanic. --The Present Formula-- Playing = When a user plays regular levels on the Atmosphir play browser, they will receive incentive for playing that level. As a lot of people stated, the amount should be low; around 5 atmos. Thus, they can earn up by playing levels, but it would take some time. When a user plays an LOTD/XP level on the Atmosphir play browser, they will recieve a greater incentive than a regular level. Again, the amount should stay low, but a little greater for these special levels; around 20 atmos. The user will also receive a daily atmos drop of about 50 atmos. The more days you play the game, the more atmos you'll get. Entity likes the idea, but says that an improvement is to trigger the daily drop after a certain amount of activity; such as playing X amount of levels. Designing = Design competitions will definitely be a thing, as stated from multiple moderators and even our editorial staff. If a user wins 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in any official design competition, they will get prize money. My suggestion for the amounts would be 500 atmos for first; 300 atmos for second; and 100 atmos for third. If your level becomes an XP/LOTD/LOTW/LOTM you should recieve incentive as well. My suggestion for these amounts would be 50 atmos for XP/LOTD; 100 atmos for LOTW; and 300 atmos for LOTM. One More Block = This wasn't suggested by anyone else, but is just another idea I have. Users can participate in a monthly lottery for 500 atmos. The lottery will be held here on One More Block. Terranax wants this idea to be lowered to 250 atmos. BionicNacho and Enitity agreed that the lottery should act more like a lottery. You would wager a certain amount of atmos into the lottery. It would add a risk factor for losing. An example of this would be a wager of 5 atmos per person for a 100 atmos lottery. Starting = Users will start out with the items you would have pre-unlocked in the original game, and with a few other items. I'd say to pre-unlock an extra sword, and maybe a shield. All players should begin with 100 atmos. StreetLights has stated that the club gift should be pre-unlocked. Baufritz said to have the club items on rotation, so you could buy a different item every week/month (kinda like the club gifts, but recurring cause we only got so many gifts), and the bought items stay in your inventory. Kinda like the Player's Club did. Flameforlife added that the player should start off with the default starting atmos, as well as the club gifts. He also noted that some of the club gifts should be earned somehow (Perhaps after making an LOTD or something). And by the way, he's actually pretty decent at Atmosphir, so to Flameforlife, stop saying things that aren't true to yourself :) . --Ideas for the Future-- 1. My first solution was to award atmos for level plays in integer amounts. A user would create a level, and for every X plays he would receive a paycheck. Of course that would need a lot of balancing, as you are dependent on the activity of the play browser, and the community is just too small to implement it yet. 2. BionicNacho said that some sort of achievement system should be added, although without the source code, players would just receive atmos at an unexplained time. Perhaps in the future, if and when we obtain a source code, we can use this idea. 3. At one point, play challenges could become another incentive for the user. ----- *Just keep stratos as original, as nobody sees a problem with it and it's also another way to get people to keep playing Atmosphir.
Thanks! And although these ideas seem pretty solid, if anyone has any other ideas, post them on StreetLight's thread, and I'll add them when possible!

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 3:28 pm
by Gtarmetro
When the People Who Work Their Magic can Add Atmos to Accounts Easily:
-User completes a level
-User sends a level
-Periodically (e.g. daily, weekly)
-User levels up
-User does anything in the game that requires a server call (e.g. clicking in a level card, or going to customization)
-Manually editing the database

Other Notes:
When the time comes, we will probably need a poll to vote for the best course of action. I'm going to need everyone to be on the same page when this poll eventually occurs. I don't know who those "magic" people are who can edit the database, but the community will need them to help out as well. This will of course be after everyone is done sending in their ideas.

We may need a due date for all ideas to be submitted on, but in order to put that in place. I'll have to know that everyone is okay with the time limit. I don't want people to feel forced into rushing their additions to the formula, but I also want to assert people from thinking that this isn't important. The final decision is going to change to way we look at this game, as it will change the game rather radically.

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 3:51 pm
by Baufritz
Gtarmetro wrote:
If your level becomes an XP/LOTD/LOTW/LOTM you should recieve incentive as well. My suggestion for these amounts would be 50 atmos for XP/LOTD; 100 atmos for LOTW; 200 atmos for LOTW; and 300 atmos for LOTM.

What's the difference between the two?

Really liking this!

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 4:04 pm
by Gtarmetro
Baufritz wrote:What's the difference between the two?

Really liking this!
Oopsies, a typo!

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 4:11 pm
by ElectroYoshi
I like this. This is very exciting!

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 8:06 pm
by Entity
This is great. It's nice to see it all typed out like this :) One thing in particular I liked:

[quote="Gtarmetro]The user will also receive a daily atmos drop of about 50 atmos. The more days you play the game"]

I've heard this idea tossed around and I didn't really like it that much, but I must have skimmed it before because I didn't catch that you'd only get atmos for playing on that day, which I think is a great idea. I think an improvement could be you only get your daily drop after a certain amount of activity (e.g. playing 5 levels in one day).

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 8:33 pm
by Gtarmetro
Entity wrote:This is great. It's nice to see it all typed out like this :)
I wanted to make it easier for the people who are actually going to be coding this, and also useful for the editorial staff/moderators to see. The collective opinion is an essential part of this community, and everyone wants you guys to make this atmos currency a reality. So my initial response was to organize the data collected for you guys!

Thanks :3!

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 9:17 pm
by terranax
I like this ideas. However I honestly feel like the atmos for the monthly lottery should be reduced to 250 atmos instead of 500. That's jus thow I feel on that.

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 9:27 pm
by Entity
Oh yeah. I personally don't really like the lottery idea that much... but that's just me. If it's implemented I would just not participate. What's the general opinion on that?

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 11:13 pm
by bionicnacho
Entity wrote:I think an improvement could be you only get your daily drop after a certain amount of activity (e.g. playing 5 levels in one day).
I definitely like this better than just the daily drop.

Also, maybe the lottery should act more like a lottery. You would wager a certain amount of atmos into the lottery and that depends on what you get. This would also add some sort of a risk factor to it and be more fun for some people.

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 11:41 pm
by Entity
bionicnacho wrote:Also, maybe the lottery should act more like a lottery. You would wager a certain amount of atmos into the lottery and that depends on what you get. This would also add some sort of a risk factor to it and be more fun for some people.
Yeah, I like that. Although I'm still not sure how we should deal with this. If someone gets 10,000 atmos from a lottery.... they can just buy a butt ton of stuff and that kinda defeats the purpose of atmo incentives... Maybe the fee is something like 5 atmos, and the winner gets 100 atmos or something like that? I think that's a lot more fair.

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 9:12 am
by kroltan
Entity wrote:Yeah, I like that. Although I'm still not sure how we should deal with this. If someone gets 10,000 atmos from a lottery.... they can just buy a butt ton of stuff and that kinda defeats the purpose of atmo incentives... Maybe the fee is something like 5 atmos, and the winner gets 100 atmos or something like that? I think that's a lot more fair.
Well, the fee can be 5 atmos and the winner gets, say 30% of the atmos paid per participant.
With this, imagine all 31 OMB users investe din the lottery: 31 * 5 = 155 atmos donated. 155 * 0.3 = 47 atmos, rounded up.
Now suppose somehow 500 people join the game and participate in the lottery: 500 * 5 = 2500 atmos donated, 2500 * 0.3 = 3750 atmos.
Of course we could make a more complex thing when we had that many users, or make the lottery less frequent.

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 10:07 am
by Phantomboy
I really really like these ideas, it is a really interesting concept in reworking the game! I have the utmost respect and faith in those who have been so dedicated to this project, and I know that you peeps are doing a wonderful job and I can't wait to see whatever you guys come up with in action :3

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 10:33 am
by Gtarmetro
kroltan wrote:Well, the fee can be 5 atmos and the winner gets, say 30% of the atmos paid per participant.
With this, imagine all 31 OMB users investe din the lottery: 31 * 5 = 155 atmos donated. 155 * 0.3 = 47 atmos, rounded up.
Now suppose somehow 500 people join the game and participate in the lottery: 500 * 5 = 2500 atmos donated, 2500 * 0.3 = 3750 atmos.
Of course we could make a more complex thing when we had that many users, or make the lottery less frequent.
I would also round up with this method. If the winnings calculate to 47 Atmos, the winner should receive 50. It would make it much more simple. Also, because of the small community, the winner should receive 50% as of now. That's what I think at least.

Posted: February 8th, 2014, 11:16 pm
by Gtarmetro
I wanted to start discussion on what items should be pre-unlocked, because there needs to be a community opinion, and nobody has really mentioned it.

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 5:48 am
by kroltan
Gtarmetro wrote:I wanted to start discussion on what items should be pre-unlocked, because there needs to be a community opinion, and nobody has really mentioned it.
I think we will keep it like the old game: wood sword, blue laser, cannon and some atmos to buy a different clothing.

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 6:26 am
by ThatOneFox
But what about the club items? They never got an atmos value, and tbh it would be pretty cool if all players had a choice of weaponry from the start.

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 7:56 am
by kroltan
Welp, prices were stored on the server, not the client, so we'd have to price everything (even 0) from scratch.

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 9:56 am
by Baufritz
kroltan wrote:I think we will keep it like the old game: wood sword, blue laser, cannon and some atmos to buy a different clothing.
Maybe have the club items on rotation, so you could buy a different item every week/month (kinda like the club gifts, but recurring cause we only got so many gifts), and the bought items stay in your inventory. Kinda like the Player's Club did.

Example: JimBob sees a club gift, but can't buy it since he doesn't have enough atmos. The next week/month, he wins some from a design challenge, but the club gift has been exchanged for a different one. He buys that one instead, and it's his to keep as long as the game is alive.

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 10:39 am
by bionicnacho
Baufritz wrote:Maybe have the club items on rotation, so you could buy a different item every week/month (kinda like the club gifts, but recurring cause we only got so many gifts), and the bought items stay in your inventory. Kinda like the Player's Club did.

Example: JimBob sees a club gift, but can't buy it since he doesn't have enough atmos. The next week/month, he wins some from a design challenge, but the club gift has been exchanged for a different one. He buys that one instead, and it's his to keep as long as the game is alive.
I definitely like this idea. It also gives the feel of being able to have something exclusive that nobody else has (even though you can't really see eachother since there's no multiplayer...). Of course these will have to be repeated since you can't really add any new thingies into the game.