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[concept] Swap Pads

Posted: May 2nd, 2014, 11:51 pm
by Giantfishy
Okay, so this is a concept that I used aaaaages ago (I think it was in one of the Tracking Linden levels?) and I wouldn't be surprised if other people had too (although to my knowledge nobody has).

Basically, they're like teleporters which are paired together and only work if both of them have something on top of them. I made a really short level with them and I'm attaching the .atmo file for it here, since I don't think editing levels from the play browser is implemented yet (?). The glowy lollipop things are optional but I think they work well to show which pairs of things are linked.

Anyway, if you have need for any swappy things in your puzzles, feel free to copy these. They're far from perfect, but they're functional at least.