Hello there,
Here are the forum rules! Please take a moment to read over these rules as they are important when chatting, posting and exploring the community! All interactions on the forum and Discord chatroom should be in compliance with these rules.
1) Personal attacks on other users are not permitted, even if they are made in jest. You have every right to disagree and debate with other members, but you must do so respectfully and politely. General rude behaviour is not tolerated. For more information, please see this article on how to disagree. All users of of One More Block are expected to use DH levels two or above.
2) Although the occasional use of expletives is allowed, a small number of terms which have been deemed insensitive will be automatically censored. No attempt should be made to bypass this filter.
3) Purposefully offensive, vulgar, or otherwise disruptive material is strictly prohibited. This includes posts which are purely intended to advertise a product, or contain pornographic material or obscene violence.
4) Do not post links to copyrighted content on the forums. We do not condone illegal activity.
5) Each person is allowed only one account, and browsing the website via a proxy without explicit permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited. If you must use a proxy, please contact a staff member privately.
6) If you are banned, do not attempt to circumvent the ban. Doing so will cause the ban to be extended permanently.
Moderators can and will take action outside of these specific rules as they deem necessary. Users are expected to follow the spirit, not the letter, of these rules.
The forum has been archived
While the forum may not be active, the community still lives on Discord! Click here to join us.
While the forum may not be active, the community still lives on Discord! Click here to join us.
Official One More Block Forum Rules
- Phantomboy
- Moderator
- Posts: 5417
- Joined: October 9th, 2012, 11:04 am