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[Voting] Small16

Posted: March 1st, 2016, 1:26 pm
by ThatOneFox
Its Votin' Time












Before you vote, please play as many of the entries as possible before you vote in order to give everyone a fair chance. Every user has 3 votes, Your #1 vote has the most weight, #2 the second most, and #3 the least. Please PM your votes to the user 'Voting' in the following format:

1. Level by Designer
2. Level by Designer
3. Level by Designer

You may not vote for your own level.
You may not vote for the same level more than once.
You may vote for multiple levels from the same designer.

Voting will close at the end of March 8th, so that gives you 1 week to play and rank all the levels.

Good luck to everyone who entered!

UPDATE: Do not post your votes below! PM them to the user: Voting

Re: [Voting] Small16

Posted: March 1st, 2016, 1:32 pm
by papaya
reserving for reviews
for now though

Papaya's Treasure Hunter
It'd be wrong of me to review my own level because I'd give it a perfect score, but unlike most of the other times I say this I do genuinely mean it this time. I urge you to check out the level thread I made to try and sell it, and then you should absolutely play it to yourself. Having played and reviewed all of these one thing I can say objectively is that mine has the most content in it!

Mazzo's Jungle Jump
To call Plainwrek a seasoned designer would be an understatement. He has pumped out over 30 levels, each in his distinct style, and each somehow feeling as fresh as any other level. It takes a bold man to use the same ladder-jumping puzzle a dozen times in the same level, but it takes a unique and talented designer to make it still feel fun, and John is that designer. The level itself feels vast, which is obviously a feat in a design challenge like this. You would definitely be mistaken for thinking it doesn't meet the requirements at all! It is also brutally difficult, but in a way that wills you to try over and over again. What a lot of 'expert level' designers lack is a way to make something challenging, but not frustrating. All too often you'll meet an obstacle that you die to over and over again, but this level has no such obstacle (well, except maybe the spikes right at the end). The puzzles aren't completely straightforward, but they're not esoteric to the point that nobody but John could complete this level without hints. I managed!

Impossible Level: Resurrection
There's a lot to be said about puzzle levels. With triggers there's probably infinite designs you could make. The issue is whether or not the player can understand them. Gtarmetro tries, a little bit, but in the end its just way too complicated to understand. Fortunately, the level is edit-unlocked, so if you get stuck you can take a peek at how it works. The solution essentially is to stand in three points according to a map on an info sticker for certain lengths of time, then you'll be taken to a second room where you have to do a similar thing until a path to the finish flag is unlocked. A really rather boring level, gameplay wise. Looks nice though.

Orange Horizons
I don't think I quite 'got' this level. There's a bunch of floating things in the sky, and some vague backstory but nothing coherent. This was by far the most exploitable level of the bunch. Please, the mark of a good designer is making sure there's NO way for the player to break out of bounds. In this level I was able to skip practically the entire gimmicky gravity tube (you can jump onto the roof of where the finish flag is, using a skull or with just regular jumping and ledgehanging, which will take you up to the 'goal'). I can't even pretend this one looks nice, because I really don't like the rounded edges look. It makes the insides feel cramped and uncomfortable, and makes the outside feel really awkward. Because the level was edit unlocked, I looked into what I skipped and it involves collecting a trail of 0 point coins (naturally!) and trying to work out which of the spikes on the floor didn't kill you, with no real indication that there would be any that wouldn't - Yikes! Please people, this 'fake spikes' puzzle is gimmicky at best and pointless at worst. Don't get taken in by the look of this level, its gameplay is pretty mediocre.

Small Strides over Sandy Slopes
Sailors will tell you tales of sirens and mermaids, who lure you in close to the rocks with their beautiful looks only to end up running you aground on a pile of rocks and then eating you. This is, surprisingly, a pretty apt analogy for what this level feels like to play. I can't say it doesn't look fantastic, because it does, but this competition (fortunately) isn't about who can make a level look the nicest. The gameplay here is slow, and I mean SLOW. Puzzles where you have to ride on a moving platform and dodge oncoming obstacles are cute, but they get old really quickly. The pacing on this level is completely off, and the path it has you take makes you wonder sometimes whether you're actually going the right way. What little puzzles there are that don't involve dodging an oncoming obstacle (even the spike ball puzzle counts as this!) were fairly bland. It's always cool to have secrets scattered about, but they won't save this level.

Puzzle Cube
This very obviously portal-inspired level has the two damning flaws of being a level with lots of cube-pushing puzzles and a level with horrendously low jump. Two things fishy is known for, in fairness, but they're still just as boring this time around. There's not much to say about the puzzles, they're fairly straightforward for the most part. What is special about this level is that it takes up the whole of the 25x25x25 area. If you peek at it in edit mode you can see the entire level does indeed take place within a cube of those dimensions. Some of the rooms are aptly massive or unused to compensate, but it's still a novel take on the general formula.

Makan Alhawa
A sudden last minute entry to the competition which brings with it a few neat concepts. Honestly, the very first puzzle frustrated me too much off the bat so I gave up and poked around in the editing view. It is a pretty well designed level, the 'boss fight' has him separated from you by a 2d force field, as you fight waves of enemies before finally getting to face the muka boss one on one. Unfortunately, atmosphir's combat kinda sucks, so this final segment kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. All in all, nothing special. It's probably got one of the best designs in the whole competition, mind.

Re: [Voting] Small16

Posted: March 1st, 2016, 9:36 pm
by Entity
UPDATE: Change of plans, don't post your votes in this thread. Please PM them on the forum to the user: Voting

The following people's votes have been redacted:
  • Giantfishy
  • Doctor Pie
  • SirWrek
  • Rattle
  • Baufritz
  • Papaya

I copied what you voted, so feel free to DM or PM me if you want me to send you what you voted. You will need to resubmit your vote, and once you do so it will be final.

Re: [Voting] Small16

Posted: March 1st, 2016, 9:52 pm
by Voting
Pm me your votes

:bungee: :bungee: :bungee: :bungee: :bungee:

Re: [Voting] Small16

Posted: March 3rd, 2016, 12:33 am
by ElectroYoshi
Just did. It was PAINFUL having to choose only 3 levels out of all the fantastic stuff that got submitted, but I did it, albeit rather begrudgingly...

Re: [Voting] Small16

Posted: March 6th, 2016, 9:22 pm
by SirWrek
ElectroYoshi wrote:Just did. It was PAINFUL having to choose only 3 levels out of all the fantastic stuff that got submitted, but I did it, albeit rather begrudgingly...