Guys, Aflysokat's account has clearly been stolen by an illegal immigrant who barely speaks English and is writing a book about the history of obscure internet communities.
I'm completely dumbfounded on the contents of these comments.
Allow me to make this clear: I know a troll is a mythical creature in which lives in caves. I have read the word "Troll" many, MANY times hence from current seconds and humans don't explain it to me. It is a jester? A liar? I am unfamiliar with the actual use of this word.
I do not wish to use "Like" unless I am definite into comparing. I need not compare and simply state what else actually is; therefore "Like" is obsolete currently.
I do not wish to assume the sex between humans I yonder across. So using "Guys", unless explicitly referring to male humans, is obsolete.
I do not wish to refer to specific humans as "You". This is why what is called "Screen Names" or "Usernames" exist.
I am familiar with the name Papaya. Even before the state of existence of OneMoreBlock has come to my awareness. I have never communicated with Papaya, however. So I will not be entirely sure of the legitimacy of the phrase "Better Troll than Papaya". Not only that, however, but also of my oblivious knowledge toward how "Troll" is being used.
I will also like to add the fact that emotion toward my words are unnecessary unless I wish to express emotion. And asking question does not require emotion to do so. If anything, it simply falls toward voiding the questions if anything.
I will, however, like to make it clear that I do not live in caves and, even if I am a troll, I am not mythical since I am here and this voids my title of "Mythical". However, I am not mythical and do not live in caves.