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Custom Ai Service

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 10:07 pm
by Sebastian Lawe
Do you want to have your own AI with custom responses? Within the next few days I will be kick starting my website AI to accept custom made response files created by you.

So, how do you make a file with customized responses? Well, I've built a utility that will allow you to create your own file with stored responses using this utility (just open the file "phrases.sia" after with "PhraseViewer.exe" and edit away).

How will you be able to use your customized response file with the server?

All you have to do is host the response file anywhere you want, and then type "". If you don't pass a filepath parameter, the AI will use the default file I have created (The service is not functional yet).

Note that the service is not functional yet. But in the meantime, you should be able to create and test your custom AI file. "PhraseViewer.exe" will allow you to edit the responses and "Learning Speech AI.exe" will allow you to test everything.

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 5:52 pm
by DvChayz
I don't speak Chinese, in English please?

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 7:38 am
by Phantomboy
This sounds crazy cool, yet I know I'm pretty much in over my head as of what exactly is going on! Pretty great!

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 11:16 am
by Sebastian Lawe
DvChayz wrote:I don't speak Chinese, in English please?

I have built a tool that lets you make your own responses. My AI will eventually be able to use your custom responses if you tell it where your "response file" is.
You create the responses with the program I made called "PhraseViewer". You can also test your responses with the program called "Learning Response AI".
This is ultimately the same technology my IRC Bot uses for conversations.

In the future my website will have a page that helps you generate html code for including your own custom chat bot in a custom website.

Alternatively (In the future) "".

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 11:39 am
by DvChayz
Sebastian Lawe wrote:I have built a tool that lets you make your own responses. My AI will eventually be able to use your custom responses if you tell it where your "response file" is.
You create the responses with the program I made called "PhraseViewer". You can also test your responses with the program called "Learning Response AI".
This is ultimately the same technology my IRC Bot uses for conversations.

In the future my website will have a page that helps you generate html code for including your own custom chat bot in a custom website.

Alternatively (In the future) "".
Oh okay, thank you.

Posted: June 28th, 2013, 10:07 am
by Phantomboy
Oh, this is really cool now that kind of figured out what is going on :) I'll play around with this! It is really cool looking!