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Posted: September 18th, 2015, 6:10 pm
by Phantomboy
Probably that I zone off to podcasts for ridiculously long amounts of time. I listen to this series called "Hello Internet" and it and watch episodes end to end. I kind hate being someone who pours several hours into passively observing somethings.. so I do kinda feel guilty about that.

If you could have a house, and it could be any colour, what colour, would your house be?

Posted: September 18th, 2015, 6:14 pm
by jhjoseph91
Phantomboy wrote:If you could have a house, and it could be any colour, what colour, would your house be?
Phantomboy wrote:any colour
Any color, y'say? Well then I choose any color that the naked eye preserves as moving. Any of them, I really don't care which.

Back on hacking topics, what do you think of hacktivism?

Re: Just Truth, No Dares.

Posted: May 17th, 2016, 11:56 am
by Phantomboy
Heck of late reply to this, but hey~!

I think just like any form of activism, it has its purposes and can be used to probably gain some common good. Honestly, it is just sort of difficult to talk of specific events as it goes with these sorts of "maybe legal protest, maybe illegal attack" type of confrontations, is there is very very little consensus. Plenty of very smart people have very strong, and very different opinions on it. It would be more along the lines of someone who is either really really into computer legalities with the morality of the machines, OR someone who is really into politics and can speak on the general effectiveness of a riot/revolt and if the ultimate change it brings it best for the largest number of people, without being too terrible on a smaller group of people, to speak on this... I am not sure if anyone will be able to suss out any glint of actual information from what I've just said, as I have worded it terribly.

What is your favourite article of clothing you own?

Re: Just Truth, No Dares.

Posted: May 17th, 2016, 5:05 pm
by ElectroYoshi
My Maroon 5 concert shirt. Don't really know why. Just like it. :P

I graduated from high school over the weekend, so I guess I have to ask: What do you wanna do with your life?

Re: Just Truth, No Dares.

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 8:17 pm
by Phantomboy
I could easily go into incredible detail and write several paragraphs worth of info, but instead, I'll be broad. In general, I really want to enter a profession in which I am not wealthy beyond reason, but have just enough to scrape by with a little bit of extra for personal hobbies, as that makes you more humble for things when you can afford them. I'd also love to be in a position in which a tight work schedule forces me to be efficient with my time off... too much flexibility just leads to laziness in my experience. But yeah, without getting too personal with my family life, I think that is a pretty good overview of where I am at in life.

If you were trapped in a dark cave, and could bring with you one friend to keep you company, who would it be? (For the sake of ease, let's assume you both have plenty of nourishment, and you knew rescue would be coming in a few days time, just someone to hang out with and pass the time.)

Re: Just Truth, No Dares.

Posted: May 30th, 2016, 6:53 pm
by Aflysokat
I honestly have no friends.
So I guess.. I'll bring myself.... ?

Truthfully, are you happy we all went through this with Atmosphir closing, etc.? Or would you have rather Atmosphir never faltered, OneMoreBlock never existed and the devs just continued to try their hardest on fixing the bugs, adding new things and etc.?

Re: Just Truth, No Dares.

Posted: May 31st, 2016, 12:51 am
by Phantomboy
You know what… that's a tricky question. Obviously, I'd love to say I'd pick that Atmosphir had stuck it out longer and everyone here would be playing Atmosphir until the heat death of the universe, but know I'm not sure. It begs the question that would all the people we know on the forums here and on the chat, would they still be around if Atmosphir was active. Would most of us have burnt ourselves out in the past four years, and it is actually our nostalgia built from that gap that's keeping us here. I'm not sure.

Like, Halo 2 was a major game that I played as a child, it came out in 2004... by 2006-ish I had kinda burnt myself out on it. Would I have done the same to myself with Atmosphir? From 2008-2016 is 8 years, I'd love to say that I could have stuck with Atmosphir constant for those eight years… but I don't think I know myself that well. So, I think I'd go with keeping things just how they are, even if, my immediate gut is telling me that doing so is kinda betraying another part of myself.

I am actually really curious to hear what others say, so you know what, I'm going to totally just steal that question from Aflysokat and ask it again-- see what someone else feels.

"Truthfully, are you happy we all went through this with Atmosphir closing, etc.? Or would you have rather Atmosphir never faltered, OneMoreBlock never existed and the devs just continued to try their hardest on fixing the bugs, adding new things and etc.?"

Re: Just Truth, No Dares.

Posted: June 2nd, 2016, 2:53 pm
by ElectroYoshi
Honestly yeah. The thing I admire the most about this community is how tight knit it is and I'm not sure we'd have that had we not gone through that whole debacle with Atmosphir shutting down.

Tell me your most embarrassing dating story. :P

Just Truth No Dares

Posted: December 27th, 2018, 9:15 pm
by Warnerengew
i just watched Movie TRUTH OR DARE horror and here i saw the game

so are you saving a BIG SECRET of your any friend, secret which can "ruine" her life if it will be revealed?

ok i choose dare

Just Truth No Dares

Posted: April 23rd, 2019, 5:15 pm
by bennieDus

Or am I? Maybe im telling the truth. The truth is a difficult thing to grasp because if I lie about the truth there is no truth but how can I lie if I admit im lying? Am I truthly lying? I think not. If I were telling the truth though how would you know? I might be lying about the truth but then I would know and you woudnt BUT DO YOU KNOW.

I would ask you but you might lie.


Posted: June 12th, 2022, 10:09 am
by DavidFrats
Still waiting in Donegal Town for them to appear but if they are at Teelin not long now
Last year they arrived in to the Hassans near Mountcharles pier around this time last year in the last week or so of April.
Later in the summer they came right in to the pier in Donegal Town feeding on shoals of sprat in so maybe thats something similar to what you are seeing but right enough its early.